This year. 2024.

And starting the blog with an actual picture of me! I don't tend to like to be in front of the camera. But do it each year for our kiddos. Want to learn some of what I've worked on this past year? Whats coming? And what is speaking to my heart? Keep reading.

Where do I want to go from here? As a motherhood, maternity, family and newborn photographer. Whoa, thats a lot.

I want to go where the wildflowers grow. I want to hear the small current of the lake hit against our ankles as a boat goes by. I want to see silos in the background of your homestead session. That red barn that has been there for generations, I want that in pictures too. I was recently talking to a client, about locations and how I don't want to be like everyone else. That is because, you aren't everyone else. You are special to me.

Studio lifestyle Session

Tiffany Bergamino Photography

I want to capture your little one's squishy crinkle nose as they laugh. Those dimples your son only shows off when Mama says toot jokes. Your husband's callused hands because he worked all day. If dressing up is your thing, let's pull out all of it the suits, the ties the little black dress in the back of your closet. The way your husband looks at you as your belly is slowly growing your babe. I want to tell stories this year like never before. Stories of grandparents and grand babies. I want to tell stories of couples. I want to tell maternity stories. I want to see your babies grow. I want you to look back at these pictures we capture together, and feel like we do when we see our parents in pictures of their youth. I want to tell military stories. I want to capture veteran's of different wars. You see. I want to bring back what I started 16 years ago. Things that rock me to my core, in a good way. I want to delicately snuggle your brand new babe (sometimes before most family has even met them). And so much more.

Do you want to come on this journey with me? I would love love love to have you. I want pictures on walls, albums nicely curated to tell a story of your family. Want to see an example? I have some I'd love to show you. I want to travel more. Capture the beauty among the everyday life. I want to do more lifestyle sessions, because lately they just speak to my soul. I feel like in the brokenness of growth, comes the beauty. The beauty to love others harder. The beauty to see what's around you. The beauty in the slowed down moments. Lately, I've also loved the less posed more lifestyle vibes in the studio. Styling to make it cohesive, but letting go a little bit. Having kiddos snuggle, and just taking each other in. And you know what I've noticed? Clients are loving it too.

My goals for 2024 are to also document my family more. My kiddos are growing so incredibly fast. I haven't pulled out my camera for my kiddos in a storytelling session in a long time. This year it's a goal. I'm missing out on documenting memories with my kiddos, simply because sometimes it seems like work. Gosh, what an awful thing to actually admit to. Or, like every other Mama out there. I don't feel like my house is clean enough. I'm going to let go of these barriers this year.

Fine Art Maternity Photographer in Fort Wayne Indiana

Fine Art maternity


Newborn Photographer Fort Wayne Indiana



I'm also going to offer more of what has transpired over the last year. Doing life with families. The play, the in-between moments. The laughter. Dance parties in a field. And everything in-between. You see, when you look back. I want you to remember our sessions with such incredible joy. Yet, sometimes things documented can be less than happy. It is okay to feel those as well. I'm so grateful to each and every one of you that has come along on this journey with me. I started out as a lifestyle photographer YEARS ago, it's funny that my heart still longs for those sessions.

Horse Photographer Fort Wayne Indiana

You made it to the end of the blog!! We had to finish with one of the images from 2023 that had SO much interaction. A horse smiling. Thank you so much for being here on this journey with me. I'm incredibly grateful to each and every one of you. Here is to a prosperous, joy filled and wonderful 2024. I love you all,
